Hi all!
I have been meaning to update this blog for a while but I have been so busy with other projects, I have not managed to update.
In May, I was a part of He Kept Me Safe cast created and directed by Edgar Roadriguez-Dorans who is a lecturer at University of Edinburgh. It is a play about LGBT male violent and we got to perform it at a LGBT conference in Edinburgh which was well received by all audiences.
This week, I was a part of Wonder Fools Positive Stories Festival in Traverse Theatre for And That Name For That is... by Robert Softely Gale. The piece was directed by Robbie Gordon. The cast was made up of graduates and current acting students doing a rehearsed reading on this piece. I played one of the Ally's. We got to perform in front of Robert himself who enjoyed the piece and the audience were well engaged throughout. All of the cast members were wonderful to work with and are a talented bunch. I am performing in Ms Campbell Fifth Period Class by Leyla Josephine in Ayr Gaiety this Saturday! I will be playing the Janny as a part of the second touring place of Positive Stories Festival, looking forward to it,